Why you’re allowed to care about the clothes you wear

Show Notes

Sponsor:  Dimity Smith, Founder of GRO Rural 
When it comes to WHAT you wear, do you ever feel damned if you do care, but also damned if you don’t?

Clothing is not trivial, it’s actually an expression of self. This episode is not about needing to look like a supermodel or spend ridiculous amounts of money on clothes (gosh, there’s enough pressure on us as women to do that already!). Rather, it’s about how looking and feeling good has value - whether you’re a busy mum, struggling with changes to your body or just wanting to look good at work, including if you’re on a farm or worksite.

Our next guests aren’t here to tell you ‘how to look good,’ for them it’s more about how you feel and dressing to express your inner self.

Hear from:

  • Marion Sauders - creator of ‘Maz Life Styles,’ an over 50s fashion influencer with 150+ Instagram followers, from Carinda NSW

  • Olivia Thwaites - founder of Green Hip Workwear, Geelong VIC

Both guests noticed a need not being met, when it comes to women’s fashion. Marion’s kids helped set her up on Instagram ten years ago and she wondered, why doesn’t anyone look like me? So she started her own fashion account for people just like her.  Now  it’s enjoyed by thousands of women all over the world.

Olivia is a horticulturalist who was tired of having to wear uncomfortable men’s clothes to work. She couldn’t find anything decent for women, so she started designing and making it herself. Now you can find Green Hip workwear in stockists all over the country… and she’s just signed an exciting contract with Bunnings.

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